Friday, January 14, 2011

Zion and his class

Zion's class was invited to sing at a special Martin Luther King Jr. program today.  

He had a speaking part that said,

"Martin Luther King Jr. changed my life, because without him, I wouldn't have a cool teacher like Mrs. Simpson, or my two brothers, Michael and Isaac" 

Mike was invited to the event, I tagged along behind the bus. 

Before the kids sang, Dr. King's speech was played. 
I wanted to cheer and clap and shout "AMEN" along with all the people in the crowd back in 1963. 

And I found myself thinking how his dream has come true,

and how proud he would be if he could see how far we have come since his death in 1968. 

I am thankful that our boys are growing up in the
"Big Navy Melting Pot"

I am thankful that they have friends based on character and common interest, not skin color. 

I am thankful for those that made that possible,

by having a dream,

and not only standing up for it,

but dying for it. 

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